Studying any medical course is quite an expensive venture hence the need for Medicine and Nursing Scholarships.
The importance of producing qualified doctors and medical researchers cannot be over emphasized by people the world over. And this is one of the reasons for the widespread availability of graduate scholarships for medical students, offered at medical schools around the world.
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For prospective students who want to further their medical or nursing studies abroad but don’t want the expenses that often come with it, there’s hope. Below is a comprehensive list of Medicine and Nursing Scholarships in 2024
It is important to note that some of the Medicine and Nursing Scholarships have already been offered while others are yet to be offered OR are currently ongoing. Interested candidates should take note of these scholarships as they are offered annually.
See Also Scholarships in Health and Environment
Commonwealth Medical Fellowships for Developing Countries
Commonwealth Medical Fellowships (Enhancing Clinical Skills) are Medicine and Nursing Scholarships offered for mid-career medical staff from developing Commonwealth countries, funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID).
Fields of study such as natural science, engineering and medicine are given first priority. Candidates are free to select host institutions (university research laboratories, national research institutions or the corresponding facilities of private industry).
African Palliative Care Nursing Scholarships for Nurses and Social Workers in Africa
The African Palliative Care Association (APCA) in partnership with Global Partners in Care (GPIC) in the USA, provides a limited number of scholarships each year for palliative care training opportunities.
Johnson & Johnson Global Mental Health Scholarships for Developing Countries
The MSc Global Mental Health course is a joint programme provided by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London (KCL).
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) PhD fellowships in Biostatistics for African Students
This PhD degree programme focuses on quantitative research in health-related fields with the aim of developing a career in Biostatistics, which is a growing field in low and middle-income countries due to increased biomedical research.
MISF Du Pré Grants for Multiple Sclerosis Researchers from Developing Countries
MISF offers Du Pré Grants to MS researchers from emerging countries to enable them to make short visits to established MS research centres outside their own country, either to learn from each other or to carry out parts of joint research projects.
LSHTM/Commonwealth Shared Scholarships for Students from Developing Commonwealth Countries
The purpose of the scholarship scheme is to contribute to development needs of lower income Commonwealth countries by providing training for skilled and qualified professionals and academics who would not otherwise be able to study in the UK.
Australian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) International Scholarships for Developing Countries
The ACEM scholarship is to support attendance and presentation at the ACEM Annual Scientific Meeting and to increase awareness and support for emergency medicine in developing countries.
The Professional Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (East African Partnership) is a three month, full time short course taught by School staff and colleagues in Tanzania and Uganda. It is designed for doctors planning to work in Africa.
See list of other Medicine and Nursing Scholarships HERE
See Also Scholarships in Health and Environment
Edinburgh Global Online Distance Learning Masters Scholarship for Developing Countries
The University of Edinburgh will offer 11 scholarships for distance learning Master’s programmes offered by the University. Scholarships will be available for students pursuing any distance learning Master’s programme offered by the University.
Masters Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine for Low and Middle Income Countries – UK
Wellcome Trust offers Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine for Masters students from low- and middle-income (developing) countries. Fellows will receive a stipend in accordance with the cost of living in the country in which he/she will be studying.
LSTM’s MSc in Tropical Paediatrics produces graduates who are experienced, committed, informed, proactive and capable of taking substantial and leading professional roles.
Hull York Medical School Scholarship for International Medicine Students
The University of York is offering scholarships for applicants commencing MBBS study at the Hull York Medical School.
CIDRZ HealthCorps Global Public Health Fellowship
Are you interested in global public health? Do you have a Master’s degree? Are you interested in working with CIDRZ? Then apply for this Fellowship.
This course provides eye health professionals with the public health knowledge and skills required to reduce blindness and visual disability in their population.
See Also Scholarships in Health and Environment
LSHTM Postgraduate Training Fellowship in Medical Statistics for African Scientists
Two fellowships, funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) and GSK, respectively, provide support for two years training in medical statistics.
The IFCN is pleased to announce Three education scholarships and Three research scholarships for Young Clinical Neurophysiologists.
GSK Scholarships for Future Health Leaders in sub-Saharan Africa (Fully-funded to study in UK)
Three highly competitive scholarships are available to applicants intending to study on a one-year, full-time, London-based MSc programme at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
ACU Commonwealth Scholarships for Study in Low and Middle Income Countries
ACU Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships allow successful applicants to benefit from the expertise provided by universities in low and middle income countries around the Commonwealth.
LSHTM Fully-funded PACF Masters Scholarships for Students from sub-Saharan Africa
Two highly competitive PACF Scholarships are available to applicants from sub-Saharan Africa intending to study at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine on a one-year, full-time, London-based qualifying MSc programme.
To help address the severe shortage of surgeons in Sub-Saharan Africa, the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA) have developed a scholarship program to support women in surgical residency, help them complete their training, and encourage other women in medicine to consider surgery as a profession.
Wellcome Trust Intermediate Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Wellcome Trust is offering fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine to mid-career researchers from low- and middle-income countries. Wellcome Trust also offers fellowships for Training, Masters and Senior Researchers.
Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine
This scheme enables researchers from low- and middle-income countries to establish themselves as leading investigators in their scientific field. The scheme aims to support research that will improve public health and tropical medicine at a local, national and global level.
East African Development Bank Medical Training and Fellowship Programme
The East African Development Bank’s Medical Training and Fellowship Programme (METAF) is an EADB initiative to build capacity in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda in the fields of neurology and oncology.
Government of Liberia Local Scholarship Program for Liberian Students
The Ministry of Education is pleased to call for applications for the Government of Liberia’s local scholarship program, which offers scholarships to Liberian students to study at local institutions. The program will prioritize the certain disciplines including Medicine and Engineering.
See list of other Medicine and Nursing Scholarships HERE
See Also Scholarships in Health and Environment
LSTM is inviting applications from medical doctors (MBBS or equivalent) from developing countries for its professional Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (DTM&H).
University of Calgary Doctor of Medicine Bursaries for International Students
The University of Calgary offers bursaries to students enrolled in the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program in the Cumming School of Medicine. Students wishing to apply for the competitive Medical Elective Awards submit a separate application; refer to the “Medical Elective Awards” section in this Calendar for details.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Medicine Postgraduate Scholarship for Developing Countries
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for a place in the following full-time postgraduate programmes, with a focus on Implementation Research for the academic year.
Australia Awards Scholarships for 1,000 African Students
From 1st September, application opens for Australia Awards Scholarships in various fields including Agriculture/Food Security, Education, Health etc. There are two categories of Award: Australian Awards Scholarships, to undertake higher degree studies in Australia at Masters level. And Australia Awards Short Courses, to undertake short-term, targeted professional training courses, in Australia and/or in Africa, in a range of development-focused sectors.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) Masters Scholarships for Developing Countries
The Masters in Public Health for Eye Care at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is a well-established course that aims to train leaders in prevention of blindness and to strengthen research and academic capacity for eye care programmes and training facilities, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust Scholarship for second degree students of medicine, dentistry or veterinary science, and postgraduate students in all fields of study.
LSTM is inviting applications from medical doctors (MBBS or equivalent) from developing countries, who have at least two years clinical working experience specialising in the field of Paediatrics and applying for the MSc Tropical Paediatrics (MTP) at LSTM.
See list of other Medicine and Nursing Scholarships HERE
Agbami Scholarship for Undergraduate Nigeria Students
Star Deep Water Petroleum Limited, a Chevron company and operator of the Agbami Field, in its continuous support for capacity building in the health and engineering sectors as a strategic feed into the national manpower pool, offers scholarship opportunities to a number of students undertaking Medicine and Surgery studies. Application is open to full-time 100 or 200 level students admitted into any Nigerian schools.
Wellcome Trust Training Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Wellcome Trust is offering fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine to mid-career researchers from low- and middle-income countries. Wellcome Trust also offers fellowships for Masters, Intermediate and Senior Researchers.
Tehran University of Medical Sciences International Scholarship Iran
The TUMS Scholarship Program is set up by TUMS-IC to facilitate students and scholars from all over the world to conduct their study and research at TUMS-IC. The scholarship aims to increase the mutual understanding and scientific exchange of scholars and students of Iran and scholars and students from the rest of the world. Scholarship is open for students pursuing studies in the following schools: Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Advanced Technology in Medicine, Allied Health Sciences, Public Health, Nursing and Midwifery and Rehabilitation.
McDonald Fellowships for Emerging Countries
Every year the MS International Federation offers a number of McDonald Fellowships to young researchers from emerging countries. Fellowships enable the recipient to travel to an established research institution to work with leading researchers in MS, with a view to returning to their own country to establish a programme of MS research that involves the application of the newly learned techniques.
See list of other Medicine and Nursing Scholarships HERE
International Guest Scholarships at American College of Surgeons
The American College of Surgeons offers International Guest Scholarships to competent young surgeons from countries other than the United States or Canada who have demonstrated strong interests in teaching and research.
American College of Surgeons International Scholarships for Surgical Education
These awards, in the amount of $10,000 each, provide young faculty members from countries other than the United States and Canada with the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational opportunities for faculty development and enhancement that will result in acquisition of new knowledge and skills in surgical education and training.
Scholarship in USA for Physicians from Developing Countries
The Developing Countries Scholarship Fund was established to provide access to quality education for physicians who reside in developing countries to attend The Annual Assembly in Phoenix, AZ.
Based on the successful deliverance of the MSD Animal Health/WVA Veterinary Student Scholarship Program 2016, MSD Animal Health and WVA agreed to continue the good collaborations and to launch the Veterinary Student Scholarship Program to include 41 scholarships of US 5000$ (of a total of $205,000) to be delivered to selected students from countries in the regions of Latin America (16 grants), Africa (10 grants), North Africa/Middle East (10 grants) and Asia/Oceania (5 grants)
AfyaBora Fellowship in Global Health Leadership for African Medical Practitioners
This innovative 12-month fellowship will prepare African and U.S. health professionals to lead and manage major health programs in African countries.
American University of Beirut MasterCard Foundation Scholarship Program Lebanon
American University of Beirut (AUB) and The MasterCard Foundation have partnered to provide scholarships to students at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS). This $9 million scholarship program will enable young adults who are sensitive to their communities’ concerns and proactive in their environment to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health or Medical Laboratory Sciences at AUB. In addition to full scholarships and living expenses.
See list of other Medicine and Nursing Scholarships HERE
See Also Scholarships in Health and Environment