EPFL Junior Faculty Development Program 2024 for Early-stage African Professors (Fully-funded)

The Junior Faculty Development program is the first program launched within the framework of the “Excellence in Africa” initiative. It will pair up early-stage professors in Africa with EPFL professors, providing funding for a jointly-designed research project over a period of 4 to 5 years. In the course of the project, the Africa-based professor will … Read more

West African Research Center WARC Travel Grants 2023 for African Scholars

The WARC Travel Grants provide travel costs up to $1,500 and a stipend of $1,500 to West African scholars. Application Deadline: 19th March 2023 Eligible Countries: West African countries To be taken at (country): Any African country of candidate’s choice. About the Award: The WARC Travel Grants program promotes intra-African cooperation and exchange among researchers and institutions … Read more

USAID African Young Water and Sanitation Professionals (AfYWSP) Scholarships 2023 for Young African Leaders

As part of its Research and Capacity Building Program, the African Water Association is setting up research fellowships for young water and sanitation professionals in West Africa. Application Deadline: 15th April, 2023. Eligible Countries: African countries About the Award: This program, funded by USAID West Africa through the AfriCap Program (WASH – African Water Association – AfWA … Read more

Coimbra Group Short-Term Scholarship Program 2023/2024 for Young Researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa

Coimbra Group Universities have been providing, since 2008, young researchers from universities in Sub-Saharan Africa with the opportunity to spend a short period (1 to 3 months) at a Coimbra Group University to carry out part of their research there. Application Deadline: 7th April 2023 midnight (Brussels time) Offered annually? Yes Eligible Countries: All African countries except Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, … Read more

Volkswagen Foundation Norbert Elias Fellowships 2023/2024 for African Researchers – Germany

To increase the diversity of perspectives in the ZiF research groups and to make African researchers more visible, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) is now offering two scholarships per year for researchers from Africa: the Norbert Elias Fellowships Application Deadline: 22nd December 2022. Eligible Countries: African countries To be Taken at (Country): Center for … Read more

Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Programme (CADFP) 2023/2024

carnegie fellowship

Applications are on for the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Programme (CADFP). CADFP is a scholar fellowship programme which regularly offers  equitable, effective and mutually beneficial international higher education engagements between scholars in Africa and African Diaspora academics in Canada and the United States. Multifaceted, innovative projects are encouraged, which are in line with the transformations … Read more