24 Common Habits Every Student Should Break Before Leaving School

Students Bad habit

24 Common Habits Every Student Should Break Before Leaving School What do you spend most of your time on? You have two choices; to either feel disappointed and frustrated about the whole situation in your country (high rate of unemployment, poor governance, etc.) or take responsibility for your career. It may not seem easy to … Read more

The 2 Most Important Subjects Everyone Should Study Today

The 2 Most Important Subjects Everyone Should Study Today

For the past few years, many experts have predicted an economic recession by 2020. A 2018 article on WorldFinancialReview.com stated that “it appears that there is a foregone conclusion that 2020 is the date that crash 2.0 will wreak havoc once again”. In the same year, The Independent magazine wrote, “Next global financial crisis will … Read more

20 Things That Will Shape the World During a Global Pandemic

Things that would change the world during a global pandemic

pandemics have shaped the world in a number of ways. Here are top things that shapes the world during a pandemic

“I didn’t think I’d Win this scholarship. I simply did my best” Fully-Funded Scholarship Winner Shares experience

10 Prestigious Masters Scholarships that Accept Lower Second Class or Third class Annually

Junior Cimwang Yav would not have thought himself a winner of a prestigious scholarship this time last year. A native of the Democratic Republic of Congo  and dedicated ASA scholarship follower shares his experience on winning a Masters scholarship to Germany in this interview. Please tell us how you learnt about this scholarship I got an … Read more

10 Inspiring stories of Nigerians who quit their career, pursued their passion and Became Successful

Quit your Job! Pursure Passion! Become Successful

Sometimes we find ourselves at the cross road of our career. It used to seem as if you knew where you were going but suddenly, you are left to ask the life changing questions; is this really what I want? Should I stick with this or try something different? Should I follow my passion or … Read more

How Dr. Curtis dealt with Fear of Public Speaking – if He Could, Anyone Can

Lighthouse toastmasters club

Do you get those butterflies swimming around your stomach when you are called upon to speak before a group? That dreaded nervousness; the trembling knees? If yes, then you are in good company. You are simply as human as most of us. A group of market researchers asked 3000 people the question: “What are you … Read more