7 Brilliant Things You Can Do With Your Smartphone 2024

Brilliant things you can do with your smart phone

Smartphone technology is so vast and applicable in various ways of life. Here are brilliant things you can do with your smart phone.

How to Graduate With a First Class Degree

How to Graduate With a First Class Degree

Acquiring a first class degree is somewhat a challenging task but never impossible. Here are tips to help you in your journey towards first class.

How to End Up Graduating With a Third Class

How to End Up Graduating With a Third Class

3rd class is not a position meant for any particular set of people, likewise other grades. You are where you found yourself because you decided to remain there

First Day at the University? What You Should Know and Do

First Day at the University

Here are tips on what to expect on your first day at the university.

15 Ways to Pay for Your Education If You Don’t Have Money

How to pay for your education

If you are looking for alternative means to pay your tuition fees and/or living expense, this article is for you. I’m going to share with you 15 possible ways to get financial aid or financial education to pay for your education. Most people want to further their formal education but funding is a major challenge. … Read more

Is School a Scam? 10 Reasons Why You Think School is a Scam Vs Why It Isn’t

Is School A Scam? 10 Reasons Why You Think School is a Scam Vs Why It Isn't

There is a lifelong debate on whether ‘school is a scam or not’. While some schools of thought believe the education system is a scam, most people still strongly believe that schooling is vital to learning and success. However, many young students feel as though the system forces them to take subjects they don’t like … Read more