Top 15 Graphic Design Schools in the World

Best Graphics Design Schools

Among all universities across the globe, you can best acquire a graphic design degree in any of the following universities.

24 Common Habits Every Student Should Break Before Leaving School

Students Bad habit

24 Common Habits Every Student Should Break Before Leaving School What do you spend most of your time on? You have two choices; to either feel disappointed and frustrated about the whole situation in your country (high rate of unemployment, poor governance, etc.) or take responsibility for your career. It may not seem easy to … Read more

Increasing Your Odds of Becoming A U.S Citizen

Become a U.S citizen

So, you want to become a U.S citizen in an artificial way. The easiest means to gain a U.S citizenship is to be born in the U.S by at least one U.S parent. In the past, people will go to the U.S and give birth to a child just for a U.S citizenship by birth … Read more

Why you should pick up a Book Today – It’s Never too late

Why read books

The world can be divided into two groups of people: those who read and love it and those who don’t. But many of us find ourselves crossing that border all too often in our lives-people who once loved to read often find that as jobs, children, paying bills and just trying to keep up takes … Read more

Why you should make your last year in school count

college courses

The last year in school is one of the most important years in your life. It doesn’t matter if you’re in college, graduate school, business school or even high school—that last year of traditional education is critical for all students even if they don’t realize it. Asides from graduating and bagging that degree, why is … Read more