5 Africans Who Beat the Odds to Become Successful Entrepreneurs

What is topmost in the average African’s mind is what their government may be doing wrong. This mentality more often than not, leads to a group of uninspired complacent people who even further bring down the economy. Standing out from the crowd however are a few individuals who seem to defy odds placed before them, … Read more

10 Inspiring stories of Nigerians who quit their career, pursued their passion and Became Successful

Quit your Job! Pursure Passion! Become Successful

Sometimes we find ourselves at the cross road of our career. It used to seem as if you knew where you were going but suddenly, you are left to ask the life changing questions; is this really what I want? Should I stick with this or try something different? Should I follow my passion or … Read more

Google Vs Facebook – An Expert view

Google Vs Facebook

In a recent article by Vivek Wadhwa Fellow, Arthur & Toni Rembe Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University, when asked by India’s Economic Times to compare Google with Facebook, “…the comparison struck me as odd” he said. “Google is exploring uncharted territory and staking its claims to the next trillion-dollar market opportunities. Facebook … Read more

The Eight Rules of Success to Think About Every Morning

Originally published on www.linkedin.com I have said in the past that there is no magic formula when it comes to being successful in business but there are certain guiding principles that I have followed throughout the course of my career. Not everyone gets what they want in life but if you work hard and keep trying … Read more

Register for the MTN Leadership Seminar- ‘Breaking the Success Myth’ with Farrah Gray – Win N20million Business Grant

MTN Nigeria proudly presents the MTN Leadership Seminar for its loyal customers with the theme ‘Breaking the Success Myth’, coming Tuesday 24 April through Friday 27 April 2012. As part of the Seminar, Subscribers are also invited to participate in the MTN Budding Entrepreneur N30Million Business Grant by submitting a business idea, and stand a … Read more