24 Common Habits Every Student Should Break Before Leaving School

Students Bad habit

24 Common Habits Every Student Should Break Before Leaving School What do you spend most of your time on? You have two choices; to either feel disappointed and frustrated about the whole situation in your country (high rate of unemployment, poor governance, etc.) or take responsibility for your career. It may not seem easy to … Read more

7 Things You Do in Your 20s That Would Ruin Your 30s

Things You Do in Your 20s That Would Ruin Your 30s

People have done a lot of things that they ended up regretting later in life. Most of which were done in their 20s. Don’t make this mistake, learn now!

15 Reasons Why You Should Study Engineering

Why You Should Study Engineering

If you are young and talented and also considering a career in engineering, there are so many reasons for you to study this course. Just like all career choices, studying engineering has its pros and cons, though they vary, depending on your reasons for choosing the career. Some people study engineering as a course, some … Read more

How to End Up Graduating With a Third Class

How to End Up Graduating With a Third Class

3rd class is not a position meant for any particular set of people, likewise other grades. You are where you found yourself because you decided to remain there

Study and Work In Norway – All You Need to Know

Study and Work In Norway

For students who wish to work while studying in Norway, it is very possible. One of the easiest ways to save and fund some of your costs as a student is to work to earn extra income. So many international students have used this as a medium to finance their educational program for the period … Read more

How to Graduate With a First Class Degree

How to Graduate With a First Class Degree

Acquiring a first class degree is somewhat a challenging task but never impossible. Here are tips to help you in your journey towards first class.