Top 10 Degrees that Guarantee Employment in Vietnam

Top 10 Degrees that Guarantee Employment in Vietnam
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Spread the loveHave you ever wondered what the best-paying jobs in Vietnam are? Well, you’re in luck. We examine several of the highest roles within the country and provide links to relevant courses. The job market in Vietnam has been growing over the previous couple of years and with it, so has the typical monthly … Read more

Top 10 Scholarships to Study International Relations

Study International Relations Scholarships
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Spread the loveOne thing the events of this past year, about the pandemic, have taught us is the need for an international perspective and more global vision to enable us to have a better understanding of the challenges around us. Studying international relations can open a wide range of opportunities for the future. It introduces … Read more

10 Important Reasons Why You Should Study in the UK

Why You Should Study in the UK
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The United Kingdom is a great study abroad option for international students – These facts would help you in your decision to study in the UK

Top 10 International Scholarships to Study Creative Arts and Design

Scholarships to Study Creative Arts and Design
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Spread the loveOftentimes, if one is said to be in the university studying creative arts and design, that person is sometimes termed to be unserious or just playing around since most artists do not get a well-paying job upon graduation. Most of these assumptions are usually based on the fact that many individuals taking up … Read more

How to Travel Abroad for Free – Scholarships, Fellowships +More

Travel Abroad
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Spread the loveCan One Travel Abroad for Free? Many people especially youths and young adults are becoming more interested in traveling abroad for free – leaving their home countries for a more advanced society and this has been a bone of contention as many people have sought after diverse means of leaving their countries. Before … Read more

15+ Free-Tuition Universities in Germany that Teach in English?

scholarships in germany for international students
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Spread the loveOver the years, we have seen students who because of fear of the unknown, gave up on their dreams of studying abroad in Germany. Their reason? They feel there are no free tuition universities in Germany that teach in English language. The reasons being that they never found satisfactory answers to the following … Read more