7 Info-Technology Skills you need to secure your Financial Future in today’s Workplace

IT skill for workplace

Within a few years, information went from being stored in file cabinets, to floppy discs, to flash drives, to shared servers and now to clouds. Today employees are being laid off in large numbers, not because of the bad economic times, but mostly because of technology shift. Think about this statement by Bill Gates while … Read more

Smart Ways to Get Valuable Work Experience without a Job

work experience

Submitted by guest writer: Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin If you need a job, get experience first. If you need experience, get a job first. Which way out? It is not uncommon to find announcements of job openings requiring applicants to have a number of years of work experience. This is a towering stumbling block for most … Read more

10 Vital Future Skills required to keep up with Change, Competition and Opportunities

Researchers at Harvard University once made three predictions about the future. First, they said, in the coming year, there would be more changes than ever before. Second in the coming year, there would be more competition than ever before. Third, in coming year, there would be more opportunities than ever before. The forth conclusion, which … Read more

Do You Add Facebook Profile/ Page to Your Resume or Business Card?

facebook for job seekers

Facebook has proven to be the fastest growing trend on the internet today. A household name, almost every web surfer and business is associated with at least a facebook profile and/or page. What can or can’t be done on this social networking site is limited by your imagination. I’ve read comments from people like, “My … Read more