10 Reasons Why There Are More Opportunities in Africa Than America

10 Reasons Why There Are More Opportunities in Africa Than America

Africa, a land with many opportunities is known as one of the second largest continents in the world in terms of population and size with over 54 countries and 1.3 billion people as of 2018, and this accounts for over 16% of the world’s total population. Africa is filled with vast ethnicities, cultures, people, and … Read more

15 Things You Did Not Know About Opportunities in Agriculture

Opportunities in Agriculture

Recently, a three-year-old agric-technology startup acquired a sixteen-year-old agribusiness. Farmcrowdy, the pioneer of digital agric-crowdfunding ventures, acquired Best Foods (L&P), an agribusiness group of over 16 years that is focused on the processing of livestock, farming, and marketing of agricultural produce. Why should you care? These words from the President of the African Development Bank … Read more

6 Popular Investment Apps in Nigeria to Make Money From

Popular Investment Apps in Nigeria to Make Money From

6 Popular Investment Apps in Nigeria to Make Money From As an entrepreneur, have you ever been torn between options to save money but struggled to make the right decision? It could happen to anyone. The problem may not be how to invest, but the proper app to help you invest wisely. There are so … Read more

7 Most Underrated Career Opportunities in the World Today

Some of the highly rewarding and fast-growing career opportunities are underrated. Why? Maybe it’s because; they are just in our faces and easily accessible, so we take them for granted; Or that there isn’t much awareness about them. Or maybe it’s because they haven’t always been associated with fat paychecks and phenomenal growth opportunities. But, … Read more

How to Start a Career in Crypto

Are you looking for an opportunity to start a career in crypto? The cryptocurrency industry can be rewarding and quite exciting, given its ever-dynamic landscape. However, it’s not easy to establish a professional career in crypto due to its complexity and rapid technological advancements.  Yet, with determination, continuous learning, and strategic networking, it’s possible to … Read more

Top 15 Highest Paying Jobs in Real Estate

Jobs in Real Estate

While real estate may involve dealing with housing and other land properties, there are many careers in this particular field. The real estate industry is fast becoming a career path for the future, with many people investing in this business and, as such, creating a lot of job opportunities for many. For one to qualify … Read more