How to get help when you need it in 2024

How to get help when you need it

There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. Now and then, we’ll need the help of other people. No one has a monopoly of anything and the world doesn’t revolve around anyone. Also, no man is an island. As a child you’ll need help, as a teenager, a college student, a professional, a married man or … Read more

How to prepare for exams and pass in 2024

How to prepare for exams and pass

Passing all your exam papers is one of the top wishes of students. In fact, as a student, I’m pretty sure you’ll like to put in minimal effort and then see excellent results. Although I always like to oppose the school of thought that posits that examination is the true test of knowledge, we cannot … Read more

Effective Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety as a Student

Effective Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety as a Student

It is not uncommon for students to get stressed, develop anxiety, and suffer from depression. In fact, according to the Healthy Mind Network, in the 2021/22 academic session, out of 96,000 students in the U.S. across the board 133 campuses, 44% reported having symptoms of depression, 37% reported anxiety disorders and 15% reported having considered … Read more

How to read and understand textbooks

How to read and understand textbooks

As a student, reading textbooks is vital to success in school. However reading isn’t only important in a school setting, for you to be successful and to thrive in all life endeavors, you must be friends with books. The popular American children’s author, animator, and filmmaker Dr Seuss said that “the more that you read, … Read more

How to manage your time effectively

How to manage your time effectively

Managing your time effectively determines how far you’ll go in life and the accomplishments you’ll make. It was Mike Murdock who said that “the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine”. This implies that the further you’ll go in life is determined by how well you manage your time and this is … Read more

Top 10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs in the World you Should Learn From

Most Successful Entrepreneurs in the World you Should Learn From

Aside from settling on making decisions for their organizations, successful entrepreneurs improve and develop their thoughts. Though no cutout answer accommodates everybody’s encounters, examining probably the best business visionaries today, you may recognize some comparative qualities and attributes. Starting and sustaining a business involves a lot of hard work and responsibility. However, for aspiring business … Read more