7 Industries Most Likely to Make you a Millionaire Today

7 Industries Most Likely to Make you a Millionaire Today

I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t want to earn more money; even when they pretend about it, their actions often give them away. You wanted higher education to be able to earn more money from your job. You look for scholarships to be able to get a quality education with someone else paying the money. … Read more

14 Business Ideas You Should Consider This Year

14 Business Ideas You Should Consider this year

14 Business Ideas You Should Consider This Year The cost of developing your business idea and setting up a new business has never been so low. Digital technology has made starting your own business simple, affordable, and possible. For some businesses, all you need to start is a phone, a computer, and an internet connection. … Read more

Here are 10 Businesses You Can Start With a Law Degree?

10 Businesses You Can Start With a Law Degree

Thinking of the business ideas you can start with a law degree? We’ve got your back! Apart from being a practicing lawyer, there are other aspects you can explore to make money. We have listed out 10 different businesses you can start as a graduate with a law degree: 1. Legal consulting business As a … Read more

Why you should Design Your Business Using this Money Making Model

Design Your Business Using this Money Making Model

A few years ago when I was in the business of selling laptops online, I witnessed firsthand the folly in designing a business to depend solely on walk in customers or random referrals. I had online channels to attract people looking to buy fairly used laptops from the UK and partnered with a local computer … Read more

Video: 13 Practical Ways to Make Money as a Student (or as anyone else)

Make money online as a student

Anyone, student or entrepreneur, young or old, can earn a decent extra income with at least one of these methods. You can use the extra income to support your education, pay bills, travel or whatever it is your heart desires. Do you think pursuing a university degree and making money simultaneously are incompatible? Think again. … Read more

Options to Unemployment in Nigeria: Tips for Job Seekers

It’s no news that unemployment has attained endemic proportions in Nigeria. The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said the rate of unemployment in Nigeria stood at 23.9 per cent in 2011, while urban unemployment was estimated at 29.5 per cent in 2013. In other words, the jobs are not there, compared to the number of … Read more