Why ‘Dumb’ People Win and ‘Smart’ People Lose – Simple Financial Lesson

Why Dumb People Win and Smart People Lose
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Spread the loveWhy do students end up working for C students? If teachers mould the future generation and footballers only entertain people, why does a footballer make more money in a week than a teacher can make in a lifetime? Why the misplaced priority in our society? You can replace the footballer with any profession … Read more

Why This Is the Most Important Skill Today and in Future

Why This is the Most Important Skill Today and in Future
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Spread the love“We are sorry, your service is no longer needed”… many people have had this phrase over the past few months of economic lockdown. With that, many have watched their worst nightmare come to pass. Unfortunately, many people will still hear this by the time economic activities fully resumes. It’s a reality we will … Read more

9 New Money Rules that is Making Ordinary People like You Super Rich

Money Rules that is Making Ordinary People like You Super Rich
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Spread the loveIn the past, business founders pass away before their company is worth a billion dollar. Today, billion dollar companies are built in less than two years. The paying field has flipped. Many laws of money like “just keep working hard and your reward will come” is no longer accurate. Technology is the new … Read more