11 Best Places to Study Abroad if…

Best Places to Study Abroad
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Spread the loveMost people who want to study abroad have different criteria for what makes the right study destination. For instance, if the cost is a major concern, you want to stay clear of some study destinations; or if you cannot deal with cold weather, maybe due to health issues, some countries will work better … Read more

How to Volunteer Abroad for Free

How to Volunteer Abroad for Free
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Spread the loveVolunteering abroad can be the best experience of a lifetime, it is a great way to make your travel experience meaningful as you have the potential to provide positive benefits to the host community, you can also develop your professional and personal skills during your stay. Various top organizations and Non-profit organizations, NGOs … Read more

Top 10 Foreign Universities Nigerian Politicians’ Children Attend

Foreign Universities Nigerian Politician's Children Attend
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Spread the loveChances are you’ve heard Nigerian politicians send their children to study abroad, while they neglect the country’s education system to continually deteriorate over the years. It is quite unfortunate, but Nigeria will be stuck with this dilemma for years to come. In this article, we examine the top universities that the children of … Read more

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Studying MBA

Things You Didn’t Know About Studying MBA
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Spread the loveMBA is a degree that people acquire to learn a specialized skill or improve their portfolio so that companies looking for these skills will find them suitable to employ. This greatly enhances the graduate’s employment prospects. However, this is just a general believe from most people. In reality, it doesn’t have to work … Read more

How to Prepare for GRE Exam

How to Prepare for GRE Exam
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Spread the loveHow does it feel when preparing for a GRE Exam? Do you think brainwashed or even overwhelmed with diverse ideas? Some say it feels like a sea full of ideas (both good and bad), whichever way it might be; it is best if you adequately prepare yourself for the exam. That being said, … Read more

Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts for Scholarship Application

Do’s and Don’ts for Scholarship Application
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Spread the loveScholarship judges may spend just a few precious minutes or even seconds reviewing your scholarship application. With such a finite amount of time to make a lasting impression on these important decision-makers, it’s crucial that you make the most of this opportunity. If not, your application may be on the fast track to … Read more