15 Most Underrated Things Successful People Do, Poor People Don’t Do

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Spread the loveOften when people talk about what the successful people do that the poor don’t, it’s about how they invest money, surround themselves with successful people and things like that. These are usually the surface symptoms of success. What are those subtle things successful people do that really separate them from the majority? So … Read more

10 Important Skills That Should be Taught in School, But Are Not

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Spread the loveSchool is meant to prepare young people for life. Unfortunately, some of the most essential skills we need in the outside world aren’t formally taught in classrooms. It’s even more unfortunate when you realize that your life and career depend on some of these skills. You then might have to learn them from … Read more

7 Natural & Highly Effective Ways to Improve Your Memory

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Spread the loveWant to know how to the Natural & Highly Effective Ways to Improve Your Memory? This article explains all you need to know! One of the most important skills you want to develop is the ability to learn and remember what you learn. As the world continues to evolve, your capacity to earn … Read more

The 10 Highest Paying STEM Careers You Should Consider Today

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Spread the loveSTEM which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, are in huge demand in the professional market today. Every other career feeds off the innovation that originates from these fields. And many of the top-paying careers in the world today are under the STEM umbrella. The present and future economies are largely dependent … Read more

7 High Paying Jobs Today that did not Exist 15 Years Ago

7 High Paying Jobs Today that did not Exist 15 Years Ago
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Spread the loveJobs exist today that were nonexistent a decade ago. An estimate by the World Economic Forum suggests that 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that aren’t yet in existence. And as new jobs are created, old ones are replaced. What’s the catalyst … Read more

10 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

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Spread the loveFred was an internet fraudster. He had made over $100,000 scamming people over the internet. When he was finally caught and asked why he resorted to crime, his response was, “I graduated with a second-class upper degree but could not get a job. A friend I stayed with asked me to leave his … Read more