10 Lessons We Learned From Self-Publishing a Book

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Spread the loveIf you have interest in publishing a book anytime soon or in the future, you may want to read this to the end. If you live in an African country or planning to publish a book targeting African audience, this is for you. Even if you don’t, you are non-Africa, you’ll also learn … Read more

7 Secrets of Great Writers to Build a Successful Writing Career

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Spread the loveThe secret of good writing is to say an old thing a new way or to say a new thing an old way. – says Richard Harding Davis Writing has always been an important skill. But in recent times, it has become even more important than ever. Whether for academic, career or business … Read more

25 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Don’t Do

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Spread the loveMost people believe the solution to the widening wealth inequality is to take from the rich and give to the poor. Let’s say we took this advice. We agree to divide all the wealthy in the world equally to the 7 point something billion people on earth. Everyone gets about $32,500. End of … Read more

15 High Rewarding Jobs for People Good with Social Media

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Spread the loveImagine you could turn your time on social media into a high rewarding career or even a business. Wouldn’t that be worth it? If you spend a good amount of time on social media, it’s about time you started putting your money where your mouth is. Fortunately, such jobs exist that reward you … Read more

15 Most Underrated Things Poor People do to remain Poor

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Spread the loveThere are things people do every day that may seem harmless; But contributes to a large extent to keep them poor. Today, we bring you 15 most underrated things people do to remain poor. This post is brought to you by After School Africa. If you are new here, welcome. While you are … Read more

15 Most Underrated Things Successful People Do, Poor People Don’t Do

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Spread the loveOften when people talk about what the successful people do that the poor don’t, it’s often about how they invest money, surround themselves with successful people and things like that. These are usually the surface symptoms of success. What are those subtle things successful people do that really separates them from majority? So … Read more