Make Money Remotely During a Pandemic as a Teacher

Make Money Remotely During a Pandemic as a Teacher
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Except in countries with poor leadership, teaching is a high-paying profession. Here are ways to earn as a teacher.

How to Stop Being Broke – 9 Things to Do

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Spread the loveNo one sets out to be broke. Bad investment, poor money making skill, poor saving habits; these are some reasons you’ll often revert to broke status. Being broke is not having a reliable source of income. Being broke is living paycheck to paycheck with no savings intact. Being broke is being in debt up … Read more

7 Reasons Why Most Educated People End Up Poor

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Spread the loveWhy is it that so many well educated and talented people are unable to make a decent living for themselves? Today, we share with you 7 reasons why most educated people end up poor. If you are new to these posts, welcome. We aim for all-round education of young Africans. Consider joining 19000+ … Read more

8 Practical Things You Must Do To Escape Poverty

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Spread the loveI grew up hearing my dad often make statements like, ‘the rich are proud’; ‘the rich never sleep peacefully’, ’I am greater than the rich because I sleep peacefully’. He will often make comments starting with ‘We the poor…’ These turned out to become some self fulfilling prophesies. Being a natural observer, one … Read more

7 Secrets of Great Writers to Build a Successful Writing Career

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Spread the loveThe secret of good writing is to say an old thing a new way or to say a new thing an old way. – says Richard Harding Davis Writing has always been an important skill. But in recent times, it has become even more important than ever. Whether for academic, career or business … Read more

15 High Rewarding Jobs for People Good with Social Media

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Spread the loveImagine you could turn your time on social media into a high rewarding career or even a business. Wouldn’t that be worth it? If you spend a good amount of time on social media, it’s about time you started putting your money where your mouth is. Fortunately, such jobs exist that reward you … Read more