10 Countries That Offer Free University Education to Citizens

List of Tuition Free Universities in Europe - Sweden, Norway & Finland
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There are countries that put special consideration on their citizens; therefore, they made university education free. Check them out…

10 Worst Places to Study Abroad If…

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Spread the loveStudying abroad is a chance to leave your corner of the world and explore other places while acquiring higher education. It is usually adventurous and fun but could also easily devolve into a nightmare if you fail to do your homework. The world is a big place with different people, customs, laws, and … Read more

Top 25 US Universities with the Most Powerful Alumni Network

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Spread the loveCheck out the Top 25 US Universities with the Most Powerful Alumni Network. The inventions of alumni of these institutions are widely popular. The US universities on this list are underrated! Are you considering studying in the US? That’s awesome, and guess what? There are a lot of options you could choose from. For … Read more

Top 10 Degrees that Guarantee a Job in China

Degrees that Guarantees a Job in China
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Spread the loveChina is a country in East Asia, with a population of about 1.4 billion as of 2019, it is the world’s most populous country. Having about 9.6 9.6million square kilometers, it is the world’s third-largest or fourth-largest country by area. China has the world’s fastest-growing consumer market and the second-largest importer of goods. … Read more

25 Things You Did Not Know About Studying In India

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Spread the loveIndia is thousands of years old, with a rich culture, religious diversity, and hundreds of languages. India is fast becoming a choice study destination for international students. The country is also home to an ancient education system and one of the oldest universities in the world – The Nalanda University, which was founded … Read more

10 Best African Countries to Study Abroad

10 Best African Countries to Study Abroad
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Spread the loveThe African continent is brimming with talents, potential, beauty and opportunities. With over 50 countries and a population of 1.3 billion people, the cradle of humanity might just be the missing piece in your study abroad puzzle. With everyone else clamoring to study abroad in Europe and North America, you may find good … Read more