Take Free Online Courses at MIT OpenCourseWare- Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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It’s about the MIT OpenCourseWare free online learning for ALL

Education is no longer a matter of privilege or merit. It’s no longer about time and space either. Anyone from any part of the world, from any location, at any time can access free quality education at zero or little cost. With a computer or mobile device and internet connectivity, which is ubiquitous in its usage, you can gain free quality education with the free online courses and learning environment available on the internet today. One of such free online education is provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, US through the MIT OpenCourseWare.

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What is MIT OpenCourseWare?

MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a permanent free web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content and is open and available to anyone around the world. The over 2100 OCW course materials reflect almost all the undergraduate and graduate subjects taught at MIT. Whether you want to improve on your present skill, refresh your memory, decide on the right field for you to go into or want to learn at your own space for your own benefit, MIT OpenCourseWare provides the opportunity. You get access to free lecture notes, exams, and audio and videos contents from MIT. No registration required.

You can browse courses by department or use the advanced search to locate a specific course or topic. High school students and educators should check out Highlights for High School at http://ocw.mit.edu/high-school

What MIT OpenCourseWare is NOT

  • OCW is not an MIT education.
  • OCW does not grant degrees or certificates.
  • OCW does not provide access to MIT faculty.
  • Materials may not reflect entire content of the course.

How to register to use MIT OpenCourseWare

There is no registration or enrollment process because OCW is not a credit-bearing or degree-granting initiative.

Can I get a certificate?

No. MIT OpenCourseWare is a publication of the course materials that support the dynamic classroom interactions of an MIT education; it is not a degree-granting or credit-bearing initiative. However, you should work through the materials at your own pace, and in whatever manner you desire.

If you want a degree or certificate education, you either have to take online learning programs from an accredited online university or attend a tradition institution.

Audio/Video Courses

The following courses by department contain substantial video and/or audio content for effective learning.

  • Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Architecture
  • Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation
  • Biological Engineering
  • Biology
  • Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Comparative Media Studies
  • Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Economics
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Engineering Systems Division
  • Foreign Languages and Literatures
  • Health Sciences and Technology
  • History
  • Linguistics and Philosophy
  • Literature
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Media Arts and Sciences
  • Music and Theater Arts
  • Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • Physics
  • Sloan School of Management
  • Special Programs
  • Supplemental Resources
  • Urban Studies and Planning
  • Writing and Humanistic Studies

Visit the Audio/Video course section now to start search for a free online course

If MIT OpenCourseWare offers you the benefit you seek, you can support this work by making a donation. Learn more


  • Ikenna Odinaka C. is a Writer, Career Development Professional, Entrepreneur, Educator and Investor. He is the founder of AfterschoolAfrica.com, AfterSchoolMedia.com and Edxtra.com. He has also co-founded other businesses in Education, technology and media industry. He is passionate about the future of work, entrepreneurship and helping young people explore opportunities to develop their financial capability. You can read his best content on AfterSchoolMedia.com and watch his insightful videos on YouTube

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