As part of its cooperation with the Center for Science and Technology of Non-Aligned Countries and Developing Countries (NAM), the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology announces the research grants ACENTDFB “Joint NAM S & T Center – ACENTDFB Fellowship in Neglected Tropical Diseases and Forensic Biotechnology, 2018 2019” in collaboration with The Center of Excellence for Neglected Tropical Diseases and Forensic Biotechnolgy, Nigeria
Application Deadline: 1st February 2019
Please send the required papers at the academy before 26 January 2019
Eligible Countries: Developing Countries
To be taken at (country): Nigeria
About the Award: The NAM S&T Centre is implementing a Joint NAM S&T Centre – ACENTDFBFellowship scheme in partnership with The Centre of Excellence for Neglected Tropical Diseases and Forensic Biotechnology (hereinafter called, ACENTDFB), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, NIGERIAto provide opportunities to the scientists from the developing countries for working in the ACENTDFBlaboratories in various subjects.
Type: Fellowship
- Scientists and researchers should hold at least M.Sc. or equivalent qualification and should be engaged in R&D or management of scientific programmes on the identified subjects.
- There is no upper age limit, but younger scientists would be preferred.
- Selection is strictly on merit based on the scientific quality of the proposal submitted by the applicant.
- From any given developing country only one scientist / researcher will be accepted in any given financial year.
- Scientists from Nigeria are not eligible to apply for this Fellowship.
Number and Value of Awards: One researcher will be selected from each Member State of the Center based on the applicant’s academic and professional background. The NAM Center will pay the international airfare. The ACENTDFB will provide free furnished accommodation and a monthly subsistence allowance of US $400 per month to the selected Fellows for the duration of the Fellowship.
Duration of Programme: 1-2 months
How to Apply:
Please submit the registration form with the required documents at:[email protected]
- It is important to go through all application requirements on the Programme Webpage see link below) before applying
Visit Programme Webpage for Details